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TSM Inc. is dedicated to bringing the worlds of Cryptography and Delphi together. Each fulfils a need: Cryptography provides individuals with the privacy they have come to expect in an age where snooping is easy, and Delphi provides access to the Rapid Applications Development for everyman. TSM Inc. believes this intersection of two enablers has a great future…
  Delphi Crypto Graveyard

Algorithms that are either of poor quality, offer a poor level of encryption, have flawed implementations which compromise the security, or are simply written in a way that does not meet our high standards for cryptographic components. It is not recommended that you use anything from this section. By all means learn from it, but do not base your security on it. You should also take a look at the Snake Oil FAQ, which discusses what 'snake oil' is, and how you can spot it. http://www.interhack.net/people/cmcurtin/snake-oil-faq.html

DES Component graveyard version #1 - 'DES style' encryption. A file and string encryption component using a 'DES style algorithm' (Snake oil alert! If it is 'DES style', then why can't it be DES? Which bits are similar, and which bits aren't?) No source included. (Snake oil alert!).
DES Component graveyard version #2. An Australian version of the outdated DES algorithm. It appears to be free, but you have to put up with a daft Turkish proverb when you read the readme file. On second thoughts, it's better to leave the readme file alone - the only things that are in it are the Turkish proverb and a dodgy eMail address. 
DES Component graveyard version #3. This component is another version of the known and trusted DES. Source code is included (sort of, at least - it's in 'C' and we have to take his word for it that the implementation is OK). As if the world is in need of more source code for DES in 'C'! 
Proprietary graveyard component #1 (Includes source code) Weak encryption based around a proprietary algorithm Not snake oil, because the author makes absolutely no claims about how strong or weak the algorithm is. At least he's honest. Another nasty little algorithm by Tom Lee from Taiwan.
Proprietary graveyard component #2. State of the art Italian encryption. MXCripto was until recently freeware. Porting it to Delphi 2 somehow made it worth money. The question is 'how'? This nasty little component is worth downloading just to read the documentation. No source included. (Snake oil alert!).
Proprietary graveyard component #3. Apparently, this component has 2^96 different something or others. This is a big number, and therefore sounds as though it would be difficult to perform a cryptanalysis on. Maybe it is. Who knows? (Or cares?) Source included. Oh, and it's 32 bit as well. Whatever that means. (by Martin Djernus)
Proprietary graveyard component #4. The author of this little masterpiece wishes you lots of fun with it. You might as well have fun with it, because you won't get any security out of it.
Proprietary graveyard component #5. 'Spectre' supports all sorts of Delphi versions, but comes without any form of source or justification of the algorithm. Now you can build all sorts of crap encryption into your projects.
Proprietary graveyard component #6. There seem to be quite a lot of these, don’t there? This little component comes with source, and uses a combination arithmetic operators to produce a 'cipher'.
Proprietary graveyard component #7. A component which offers 3 (yes 3!) levels of encryption (presumably 'weak', 'extra weak' and 'practically non existent') The description of encryption algorithm is given in the documentation as follows: "The encryption technique used by TCrypt is an XOR type algorithm." (Snake oil alert!) No source included. (Snake oil alert!).
Proprietary graveyard stream cipher component #1. Hey! Here's something a bit different. A stream cipher for a change! There's probably nothing wrong with this one, but again no source, and no mention of the internals of the algorithm. This has avoided the 'Snake Oil' tag because it's by Bob Heida, who has a good reputation in crypto circles.
Page version 14 - 21July1998